Performers 表演嘉賓
SCBA 基智商匯 - The 24-Form Tai Chi 二十四式太極拳

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The 24-Form Tai Chi (Foundation Wisdom Tai Chi Class)
SCBA always strives to spread love and give back to society, that’s why we always wholeheartedly support the development and activities that Cherish host.The Tai Chi class is instructed by Dr. Kwok Wing Koon. The members include: Pastor Dennis Mok; Rev. Karen Lam; Rev.Leo Lam; Rev. Stephen Lam; Mrs. Anita Lam C-Mo; Hugo Lam; Mrs. Ivy Lam
Presented by Solomon Christian Business Association’s 15th Anniversary, the 24-Form Simplified Tai Chi, also known as Simplified Tai Chi, was compiled by experts from the National Sports Commission (now the General Administration of Sport) in 1956, drawing from the essence of Yang-style Tai Chi. Although it consists of only twenty-four movements, it has standardized actions, refined content, reasonable structure, and suitable intensity, making it suitable for people of different ages, including the elderly, adults, youth, and children.
Instructor: Dr. Jason Kwok Wing Koon (郭詠觀醫生)
Dr. Kwok holds a Tai Chi Instructor Training Certificate from the Hong Kong Tai Chi Academy. He often encourages the public to incorporate regular exercise as an important part of a healthy lifestyle during medical consultations, medical column writing, and radio and television interviews. He leads by example, practicing Tai Chi every day and frequently performing Tai Chi demonstrations at community events. Dr. Kwok combines the traditional theories and practices of Tai Chi with knowledge of human anatomy and kinesiology in modern medicine, allowing students to reap the benefits of Tai Chi exercises. He explains the offensive and defensive significance of each posture and movement, demonstrates them repeatedly, and corrects students’ incorrect postures and movements, enabling them to grasp the essence of each technique.
SCBA always strives to spread love and give back to society, that’s why we always wholeheartedly support the development and activities that Cherish host.The Tai Chi class is instructed by Dr. Kwok Wing Koon. The members include: Pastor Dennis Mok; Rev. Karen Lam; Rev.Leo Lam; Rev. Stephen Lam; Mrs. Anita Lam C-Mo; Hugo Lam; Mrs. Ivy Lam
Presented by Solomon Christian Business Association’s 15th Anniversary, the 24-Form Simplified Tai Chi, also known as Simplified Tai Chi, was compiled by experts from the National Sports Commission (now the General Administration of Sport) in 1956, drawing from the essence of Yang-style Tai Chi. Although it consists of only twenty-four movements, it has standardized actions, refined content, reasonable structure, and suitable intensity, making it suitable for people of different ages, including the elderly, adults, youth, and children.
Instructor: Dr. Jason Kwok Wing Koon (郭詠觀醫生)
Dr. Kwok holds a Tai Chi Instructor Training Certificate from the Hong Kong Tai Chi Academy. He often encourages the public to incorporate regular exercise as an important part of a healthy lifestyle during medical consultations, medical column writing, and radio and television interviews. He leads by example, practicing Tai Chi every day and frequently performing Tai Chi demonstrations at community events. Dr. Kwok combines the traditional theories and practices of Tai Chi with knowledge of human anatomy and kinesiology in modern medicine, allowing students to reap the benefits of Tai Chi exercises. He explains the offensive and defensive significance of each posture and movement, demonstrates them repeatedly, and corrects students’ incorrect postures and movements, enabling them to grasp the essence of each technique.
基智商匯十五週年呈獻 – 基智商匯其中之一的使命是燃亮愛心、回饋社會…-直以來都全力支持智愛中心的發展和籌欵活動。 基智太極班由郭詠觀醫生指導,成員包括:莫華勝博士Pastor Dennis Mok;黃嘉鸞牧師Rev. Karen Lam;林耀楠牧師 Rev.Leo Lam; 藍志誠牧師Rev. Stephen Lam;藍方笑芬師母Mrs. Anita Lam C-Mo; 陳惠雲姊妹;林君哲Hugo Lam; 林岑艷玲 Mrs. Ivy Lam
基智商匯十五週年呈獻 – 基智商匯其中之一的使命是燃亮愛心、回饋社會…-直以來都全力支持智愛中心的發展和籌欵活動。 基智太極班由郭詠觀醫生指導,成員包括:莫華勝博士Pastor Dennis Mok;黃嘉鸞牧師Rev. Karen Lam;林耀楠牧師 Rev.Leo Lam; 藍志誠牧師Rev. Stephen Lam;藍方笑芬師母Mrs. Anita Lam C-Mo; 陳惠雲姊妹;林君哲Hugo Lam; 林岑艷玲 Mrs. Ivy Lam
Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti and Dr. Jason Kwok 萬錦市市長及郭詠觀醫生- Shanghai Bund & Tai Chi Fan 上海灘&太極劍

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Mayor Frank Scarpitti – Shanghai Bund
Our yearly events are always kindly supported by the mayor himself, Frank Scarpitti. As the honorary chairman of our gala, he graciously prepared the Chinese classic “Shanghai Bund”. The crescendos and decrescendos in this song are like the peaks and valleys of life that remind people that life is never a smooth path. It is with utmost honour to have the mayor join Cherish on this special night.
Tai Chi Fan (Dr. Jason Kwok)
Tai Chi Fan is a type of equipment used in Tai Chi exercises to train the body. It is a unique style of martial arts fitness activity that combines movements from Tai Chi, other martial arts, and dance. By combining the flowing movements of Tai Chi with the graceful waving of the fan, it achieves a harmonious balance of strength and flexibility, allowing for both offense and defense. It exudes an elegant and graceful aesthetic, as well as the robustness and dignity of martial arts. Tai Chi Fan is a fitness exercise that offers both visual appeal and artistic expression.
Our yearly events are always kindly supported by the mayor himself, Frank Scarpitti. As the honorary chairman of our gala, he graciously prepared the Chinese classic “Shanghai Bund”. The crescendos and decrescendos in this song are like the peaks and valleys of life that remind people that life is never a smooth path. It is with utmost honour to have the mayor join Cherish on this special night.
Tai Chi Fan (Dr. Jason Kwok)
Tai Chi Fan is a type of equipment used in Tai Chi exercises to train the body. It is a unique style of martial arts fitness activity that combines movements from Tai Chi, other martial arts, and dance. By combining the flowing movements of Tai Chi with the graceful waving of the fan, it achieves a harmonious balance of strength and flexibility, allowing for both offense and defense. It exudes an elegant and graceful aesthetic, as well as the robustness and dignity of martial arts. Tai Chi Fan is a fitness exercise that offers both visual appeal and artistic expression.
萬錦市市長 – 上海灘
萬錦市市長薛家平 萬錦市市長自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。市長積極投入社區各式各樣的活動,今年智愛讌籌款晚會有幸邀請市長為大家獻上一首華語歌壇的經典作品 —「上海灘」。這首歌曲婉轉動聽,有強烈的高低起伏,如訴說著人生際遇的挫折與高峰,同時激勵人們對於人生要有拼搏的勇氣
郭詠觀醫生 – 太極劍
萬錦市市長薛家平 萬錦市市長自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。市長積極投入社區各式各樣的活動,今年智愛讌籌款晚會有幸邀請市長為大家獻上一首華語歌壇的經典作品 —「上海灘」。這首歌曲婉轉動聽,有強烈的高低起伏,如訴說著人生際遇的挫折與高峰,同時激勵人們對於人生要有拼搏的勇氣
郭詠觀醫生 – 太極劍
Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti & Mimi Chau: The Moon Represents My Heart 月亮代表我的心

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The Moon Represents My Heart
The Mayor has always provided strong support as the honorary chairman for Cherish’s yearly event. It is a privilege to have the Mayor perform a hit Mandarin song, “The Moon Represents My Heart,” at this gala. The song is a metaphor for how the heart is like the moon, despite phases of hardships, they continue to persist. The comparison highlights the timeless and constant nature of emotions, love, and the human spirit. To have the Mayor sing this song stirs up emotions in such a profound way that is deeply meaningful and relatable.
The Mayor has always provided strong support as the honorary chairman for Cherish’s yearly event. It is a privilege to have the Mayor perform a hit Mandarin song, “The Moon Represents My Heart,” at this gala. The song is a metaphor for how the heart is like the moon, despite phases of hardships, they continue to persist. The comparison highlights the timeless and constant nature of emotions, love, and the human spirit. To have the Mayor sing this song stirs up emotions in such a profound way that is deeply meaningful and relatable.
萬錦市市長薛家平自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。萬錦市市長自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。智愛中心每年盛事都有著市長鼎力支持, 市長更是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會的榮譽主席。有幸於今次晚會市長為大家獻上一首華語歌壇相當有影響力的經典作品 —「月亮代表我的心」。此歌以自己的心比作月亮,代表永恆,雖然有月圓月缺,就像人生有好有壞,但還是依舊美麗的存在著。無論身在何方,抬頭望向天空一輪皎潔的明月,像訴說著我的愛一直都在。
萬錦市市長薛家平自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。萬錦市市長自智愛中心成立以來,13年來毫無間斷地支持智愛的工作及活動。他一直以來是智愛中心名譽贊助人及投入於智愛家庭中。智愛中心每年盛事都有著市長鼎力支持, 市長更是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會的榮譽主席。有幸於今次晚會市長為大家獻上一首華語歌壇相當有影響力的經典作品 —「月亮代表我的心」。此歌以自己的心比作月亮,代表永恆,雖然有月圓月缺,就像人生有好有壞,但還是依舊美麗的存在著。無論身在何方,抬頭望向天空一輪皎潔的明月,像訴說著我的愛一直都在。
Yvonne Ho 何潘寶嬋 - Feather Fan Dance 羽扇舞

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Feather Fan Dance
Yvonne, as a parent of our Cherish students and Chairperson of the Cherish Parents’ Association, is passionate about calligraphy, playing the yangqin (Chinese dulcimer), and Cantonese opera. She has studied Peking opera for over a decade. For the past ten years, before the pandemic, she wholeheartedly organized fundraising performances for various charitable organizations, hospitals, and theaters. This year, at the Cherish Fundraising Love Gala, Yvonne will present a feather fan dance (羽扇舞) performance. In Chinese classical dance, there are ribbon dance (絲帶舞), water sleeve dance(水袖舞), sword dance (劍舞), and one of them is feather fan dance. In this performance, Yvonne will dance with fans accompanied by a Chinese orchestra playing the tune “Moonlit Night on the Spring River,” creating the atmosphere of a spring night by the river. The scene depicts the appearance of the flower goddess, the beautiful scenery, the vibrant flowers, the fragrant aroma, the chirping of birds, dancing with nightingales, butterflies fluttering together, bringing joy and delight.
Yvonne, as a parent of our Cherish students and Chairperson of the Cherish Parents’ Association, is passionate about calligraphy, playing the yangqin (Chinese dulcimer), and Cantonese opera. She has studied Peking opera for over a decade. For the past ten years, before the pandemic, she wholeheartedly organized fundraising performances for various charitable organizations, hospitals, and theaters. This year, at the Cherish Fundraising Love Gala, Yvonne will present a feather fan dance (羽扇舞) performance. In Chinese classical dance, there are ribbon dance (絲帶舞), water sleeve dance(水袖舞), sword dance (劍舞), and one of them is feather fan dance. In this performance, Yvonne will dance with fans accompanied by a Chinese orchestra playing the tune “Moonlit Night on the Spring River,” creating the atmosphere of a spring night by the river. The scene depicts the appearance of the flower goddess, the beautiful scenery, the vibrant flowers, the fragrant aroma, the chirping of birds, dancing with nightingales, butterflies fluttering together, bringing joy and delight.
Yvonne 是我們智愛學員的家長, 同是智愛中心家長會主席。她熱愛書法、中樂揚琴、粵劇, 並跟隨京劇老師學習十多年。於疫情前的十年間, 她不遺餘力地為不同慈善機構、醫院到劇院進行籌款表演。今年智愛讌籌款晚會Yvonne 將會為我們呈獻羽扇舞表演。
中國古典舞中, 有絲帶舞, 水袖舞, 劍舞, 羽扇舞便是其中一種。今次表演的羽扇舞, 是用中樂的樂隊, 奏出小調 “春江花月夜” 作襯托, 現出了 “春夜江畔” 的意境, 就是花神出現, 良辰美景, 四處瀏覽, 花兒鮮艷, 芬芳撲鼻, 群雀喧鳴, 與鶯共舞, 雙飛蝴蝶, 撲蝶弄蝶, 不亦樂乎。
Yvonne 是我們智愛學員的家長, 同是智愛中心家長會主席。她熱愛書法、中樂揚琴、粵劇, 並跟隨京劇老師學習十多年。於疫情前的十年間, 她不遺餘力地為不同慈善機構、醫院到劇院進行籌款表演。今年智愛讌籌款晚會Yvonne 將會為我們呈獻羽扇舞表演。
中國古典舞中, 有絲帶舞, 水袖舞, 劍舞, 羽扇舞便是其中一種。今次表演的羽扇舞, 是用中樂的樂隊, 奏出小調 “春江花月夜” 作襯托, 現出了 “春夜江畔” 的意境, 就是花神出現, 良辰美景, 四處瀏覽, 花兒鮮艷, 芬芳撲鼻, 群雀喧鳴, 與鶯共舞, 雙飛蝴蝶, 撲蝶弄蝶, 不亦樂乎。
Mimi Chau- 傳奇

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Mimi Chau founded “Hua Long Weaving” in 1992 with its headquarters located in Stouffville. Her company focuses primarily on designing and producing strategic packaging for global fashion. Their packaging protects and presents the fashion items but also enhances the overall product experience, and appeals to the target markets spanning China, India, and Canada. This has led them to receive awards from the Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs and The Markham Board of Trade.
On top of her own business, Mimi actively participates in community affairs and dedicates time to be involved. She’s currently part of various voluntary boards across several organizations, including serving as an advisor for Cherish and honorary consultant for the Hong Kong-Canada Lions Club. Mimi does it all, during her leisure time she sings, dances, and oil paints too.
On top of her own business, Mimi actively participates in community affairs and dedicates time to be involved. She’s currently part of various voluntary boards across several organizations, including serving as an advisor for Cherish and honorary consultant for the Hong Kong-Canada Lions Club. Mimi does it all, during her leisure time she sings, dances, and oil paints too.
Mimi Chau 於1992年創立華龍織嘜,總部位於Stouffville。現時公司主要業務發展為全球時裝包裝設計及生產,業務遍及中國、印度、加拿大等市場。公司曾獲得Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs 及 The Markham Board of Trade 的獎項,成績獲得業界肯定。
Mimi 在繁忙的公務中,亦會積極參與社區事務及抽空參加藝術活動。她現時義務擔任不同志願機構的理事會成員,包括: 智愛中心顧問及加港獅子會名譽顧問。餘暇時間亦會學習唱歌、跳舞及油畫等。
Mimi 在繁忙的公務中,亦會積極參與社區事務及抽空參加藝術活動。她現時義務擔任不同志願機構的理事會成員,包括: 智愛中心顧問及加港獅子會名譽顧問。餘暇時間亦會學習唱歌、跳舞及油畫等。
Michael Bender & Doris Chan - Summer Wine

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Summer Wine
Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Michael is the VP of Business Operations and a strategic leader in the Executive Department of Green City Communities. He rose from being the Director of Land Development to a role that leads and plans various business operations while directly reporting to the President. His experience stemmed from his 32 years at Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Working at director levels he managed and built assets to foster sustainability that became long-term investments. His strong work ethic and strategic vision has led him to be a key member of the Leadership Team in the GTA’s top home developer.
Michael and Doris will sing “Summer Wine” to make the audience fall in love with their melodic voices. This song’s sweet concept is brought to life with the blend of their contrasting high-low voices. So sit back, relax, and think of the time you were sipping on “summer wine” as you sway with this song.
Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Michael is the VP of Business Operations and a strategic leader in the Executive Department of Green City Communities. He rose from being the Director of Land Development to a role that leads and plans various business operations while directly reporting to the President. His experience stemmed from his 32 years at Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Working at director levels he managed and built assets to foster sustainability that became long-term investments. His strong work ethic and strategic vision has led him to be a key member of the Leadership Team in the GTA’s top home developer.
Michael and Doris will sing “Summer Wine” to make the audience fall in love with their melodic voices. This song’s sweet concept is brought to life with the blend of their contrasting high-low voices. So sit back, relax, and think of the time you were sipping on “summer wine” as you sway with this song.
Doris是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會大會總監。作為智愛中心的顧問的她, 積極提供專業知識和寶貴的經驗予智愛, 協助智愛策劃多項盛事。此外,她於孟嘗會服務了超過15載,期間曾被委任為會長及第一副主席。她積極參與社區義務工作並在不同部門擔任幹事, 曾榮獲 “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee”勳章 及”The Leading Women Awards” 獎狀 。她熱愛唱歌,並希望以歌聲向社會各界傳遞她的正能量。是次晚會她再次以優美的聲線及喜樂的心, 把大家凝聚一起。
Michael 現時是Green City的商業運營副主席及策略指揮, 他帶領和規劃各種業務運營, 在多倫多和地區保護局(TRCA)服務32年。擔任管理層期間, 他管理並建設了不同的資產,促進了可持續發展,並成為長期投資。他精準獨到的戰略眼光及專業經驗使他成為大多倫多區頂級房地產開發商中的重要成一員。
今年智愛讌籌款晚會Michael和Doris將一同演唱 “Summer Wine”, 此歌旋律優美, 讓人陶醉, 歌詞中帶出夏日美酒是由春天的草莓、櫻桃和天使的吻所提煉而成。甜美的意境配以男女高低的聲線, 以歌帶領大家品嚐一杯「夏日美酒」。
Michael 現時是Green City的商業運營副主席及策略指揮, 他帶領和規劃各種業務運營, 在多倫多和地區保護局(TRCA)服務32年。擔任管理層期間, 他管理並建設了不同的資產,促進了可持續發展,並成為長期投資。他精準獨到的戰略眼光及專業經驗使他成為大多倫多區頂級房地產開發商中的重要成一員。
今年智愛讌籌款晚會Michael和Doris將一同演唱 “Summer Wine”, 此歌旋律優美, 讓人陶醉, 歌詞中帶出夏日美酒是由春天的草莓、櫻桃和天使的吻所提煉而成。甜美的意境配以男女高低的聲線, 以歌帶領大家品嚐一杯「夏日美酒」。
Markham Regional Councillor Alan Ho & Doris Chan - 鐵血丹心

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Alan is a regional councilor of Markham and the Chair of Markham’s Cultural and Economic Development Committee. Apart from his councilor duties, he is also the Honorary Chair of Cherish and this year’s Love Gala. Over the years, Alan has devoted himself to serving different individuals in the community helping him gain the recognition he has now. His contributions include initiating the “He Hu Jing Charity Journey,” by raising his voice to call for action towards support for Cherish. This evening, he will showcase his voice by gracing us with the song “Iron blood, loyal heart.” This song is from a classic TV drama called “Legend of the Condor Heroes.”
Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala General Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala General Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Alan Ho
Alan是萬錦市區域議員、萬錦市文化及經濟發展委員會主席。同時亦是智愛中心及今屆智愛讌籌款晚會的榮譽主席。Alan多年來盡心服務社區不同人士, 深受民眾歡迎。他一直熱心參與各種社區公益活動並開展「何胡景慈善之旅」, 多年來以歌聲和行動支持智愛。今年榮幸有Alan與Doris一同為智愛籌款, 送上一首經典電視劇射鵰英雄傳的主題曲 —「鐵血丹心」。
Doris Chan
Doris是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會大會總監。作為智愛中心的顧問的她, 積極提供專業知識和寶貴的經驗予智愛, 協助智愛策劃多項盛事。此外,她於孟嘗會服務了超過15載,期間曾被委任為會長及第一副主席。她積極參與社區義務工作並在不同部門擔任幹事, 曾榮獲 “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee”勳章 及”The Leading Women Awards” 獎狀 。她熱愛唱歌,並希望以歌聲向社會各界傳遞她的正能量。是次晚會她再次以優美的聲線及喜樂的心, 把大家凝聚一起。
Alan是萬錦市區域議員、萬錦市文化及經濟發展委員會主席。同時亦是智愛中心及今屆智愛讌籌款晚會的榮譽主席。Alan多年來盡心服務社區不同人士, 深受民眾歡迎。他一直熱心參與各種社區公益活動並開展「何胡景慈善之旅」, 多年來以歌聲和行動支持智愛。今年榮幸有Alan與Doris一同為智愛籌款, 送上一首經典電視劇射鵰英雄傳的主題曲 —「鐵血丹心」。
Doris Chan
Doris是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會大會總監。作為智愛中心的顧問的她, 積極提供專業知識和寶貴的經驗予智愛, 協助智愛策劃多項盛事。此外,她於孟嘗會服務了超過15載,期間曾被委任為會長及第一副主席。她積極參與社區義務工作並在不同部門擔任幹事, 曾榮獲 “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee”勳章 及”The Leading Women Awards” 獎狀 。她熱愛唱歌,並希望以歌聲向社會各界傳遞她的正能量。是次晚會她再次以優美的聲線及喜樂的心, 把大家凝聚一起。
Markham Regional Councillor Alan Ho - How can I tell her

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Alan is a regional councilor of Markham and the Chair of Markham’s Cultural and Economic Development Committee. Apart from his councilor duties, he is also the Honorary Chair of Cherish and this year’s Love Gala. Over the years, Alan has devoted himself to serving different individuals in the community helping him gain the recognition he has now. His contributions include initiating the “He Hu Jing Charity Journey,” by raising his voice to call for action towards support for Cherish. This evening, he will showcase his voice by gracing us with the song “How Can I Tell Her.” This song is sweet to the ears and its melodious tune will be further captivated by Alan’s voice.
Alan是萬錦市區域議員、萬錦市文化及經濟發展委員會主席。同時亦是智愛中心及今屆智愛讌籌款晚會的榮譽主席。Alan多年來盡心服務社區不同人士, 深受民眾歡迎。他一直熱心參與各種社區公益活動並開展「何胡景慈善之旅」, 多年來以歌聲和行動支持智愛。今次晚會他為我們送上 ”How can I tell her” , 歌曲旋律輕鬆優美, 清耳悦心, 令人陶醉。
Doris Chan & Mark Yim - I See The Light

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Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala General Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Mark Y is a singer-songwriter and director of music worship. He and his band share their passion for music worldwide by going on tours all around the world. Some countries include China, America, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and many more. He is able to draw up tunes with quick improvisation while constantly exploring different forms or genres of music. With the ability to sing in multiple languages he teaches piano and pop vocal to others, in hopes of introducing good music to more people.
This year’s Charity Fundraising Gala, Doris and Mark will perform together and sing “Believe in Yourself.” This song expresses the belief in a world of unity, the truth of love, and the belief in a better tomorrow. It encourages believing in oneself on the vast journey of life, and one will definitely be able to “soar in the boundless sky.”
Together Doris and Mark will sing “Believe in Yourself.” This song is an expression for the belief.
Mark Y is a singer-songwriter and director of music worship. He and his band share their passion for music worldwide by going on tours all around the world. Some countries include China, America, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and many more. He is able to draw up tunes with quick improvisation while constantly exploring different forms or genres of music. With the ability to sing in multiple languages he teaches piano and pop vocal to others, in hopes of introducing good music to more people.
This year’s Charity Fundraising Gala, Doris and Mark will perform together and sing “Believe in Yourself.” This song expresses the belief in a world of unity, the truth of love, and the belief in a better tomorrow. It encourages believing in oneself on the vast journey of life, and one will definitely be able to “soar in the boundless sky.”
Together Doris and Mark will sing “Believe in Yourself.” This song is an expression for the belief.
Doris Chan
Doris是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會大會總監。作為智愛中心的顧問的她, 積極提供專業知識和寶貴的經驗予智愛, 協助智愛策劃多項盛事。此外,她於孟嘗會服務了超過15載,期間曾被委任為會長及第一副主席。她積極參與社區義務工作並在不同部門擔任幹事, 曾榮獲 “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee”勳章 及”The Leading Women Awards” 獎狀 。她熱愛唱歌,並希望以歌聲向社會各界傳遞她的正能量。是次晚會她再次以優美的聲線及喜樂的心, 把大家凝聚一起。
Mark Y
Mark Y 目前擔任音樂崇拜的總監,更是一名創作歌手。他與他的音樂團隊在世界各地巡迴演出; 他們曾在北美、中國、英國、阿聯酋、薩爾瓦多、危地馬拉、伯利茲、秘魯和厄瓜多爾等地演出。 Mark 還喜歡與他的樂隊一起即興演奏,用其他語言表演,以及嘗試不同形式的音樂。Mark 更與別人分享了他對音樂的熱情,擔任鋼琴和流行歌手的導師。
今年智愛讌籌款晚會Doris和Mark將一同演唱「信自己」, 此歌表達出信世界大同、信愛的真理、信明天更好, 在廣闊的人生道路上相信自己 , 定能「翱翔穹蒼」。