Cherish Love Gala is the most iconic fundraising event of Cherish Integrated Services (CHIS). CHIS is a registered charitable organization, providing training and support services to individuals with developmental disabilities and children with special needs. As an organization without direct government subsidy, CHIS is blessed to have the generous support and donation of many community partners and donors in the past 12 years, so we can grow and extend our service to help more families in the community.
This year, after the interruption of the Pandemic, we are excited to see the return of Cherish Love Gala 2023. “Cherish Love Gala” is our highlighted event of the year and it has been postponed for 3 years since the pandemic. We believe it is the most anticipated gala event in the community and within our Cherish family. Our Gala theme is “I Believe I can Fly翱翔穹蒼”, we definitely need more contributions to make the gala happen as well as more patronages to help us grow stronger and fly further.
As we further reflect on this year’s theme, we are reminded of our strong belief that our trainees can be integrated into society and even enter the workforce. Though this will only be possible with proper training and the future development of our vocational training. This is why we rely on the contributions of the community which we are always extremely thankful for. Without their help, our trainees would not be able to have come to where they are today.
因為數年的疫情,智愛讌籌款晚會曾一度改期。今年,我們很高興看到我們期待已久的智愛讌籌款晚會終於回歸。智愛讌籌款晚會將會是本年的亮點,我們深信這將會是我們智愛中心大家庭和社區中最受期待的盛會。本年晚會的主題 “I Believe I can Fly翱翔穹蒼”,寓意着我們需要更多的捐款來舉辦晚會,更需要贊助來幫助我們變得更強大,飛得更遠。