Doris is known for her passion for singing and talent to bring positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is this year’s Love Gala General Director, and as an Advisor at Cherish she continues to leave her mark as she actively provides professional knowledge and valuable experience to the organization. Since coming from Hong Kong, she’s been heavily involved in numerous committees, including Mon Sheong Foundation, Development and Communications Committee and many more. Her contributions are proof of how vital her role is in our community. Not to mention her 15 year devotion to be appointed President in 2015 and 1st Vice-Chair in 2019. As well, she has been honored with “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee” medal and “The Leading Women Awards” certificate. This gala her joyous soul and soulful voice will bring everyone together once again.
Mark Y is a singer-songwriter and director of music worship. He and his band share their passion for music worldwide by going on tours all around the world. Some countries include China, America, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and many more. He is able to draw up tunes with quick improvisation while constantly exploring different forms or genres of music. With the ability to sing in multiple languages he teaches piano and pop vocal to others, in hopes of introducing good music to more people.
This year’s Charity Fundraising Gala, Doris and Mark will perform together and sing “I see The Light.” This song expresses the belief in a world of unity, the truth of love, and the belief in a better tomorrow. It encourages believing in oneself on the vast journey of life, and one will definitely be able to “soar in the boundless sky.”
Together Doris and Mark will sing “I See The Light”. This song is an expression for the belief.
Doris Chan
Doris是今屆智愛讌籌款晚會大會總監。作為智愛中心的顧問的她, 積極提供專業知識和寶貴的經驗予智愛, 協助智愛策劃多項盛事。此外,她於孟嘗會服務了超過15載,期間曾被委任為會長及第一副主席。她積極參與社區義務工作並在不同部門擔任幹事, 曾榮獲 “The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond & Platinum Jubilee”勳章 及”The Leading Women Awards” 獎狀 。她熱愛唱歌,並希望以歌聲向社會各界傳遞她的正能量。是次晚會她再次以優美的聲線及喜樂的心, 把大家凝聚一起。
Mark Y
Mark Y 目前擔任音樂崇拜的總監,更是一名創作歌手。他與他的音樂團隊在世界各地巡迴演出; 他們曾在北美、中國、英國、阿聯酋、薩爾瓦多、危地馬拉、伯利茲、秘魯和厄瓜多爾等地演出。 Mark 還喜歡與他的樂隊一起即興演奏,用其他語言表演,以及嘗試不同形式的音樂。Mark 更與別人分享了他對音樂的熱情,擔任鋼琴和流行歌手的導師。
今年智愛讌籌款晚會Doris和Mark將一同演唱「信自己」, 此歌表達出信世界大同、信愛的真理、信明天更好, 在廣闊的人生道路上相信自己 , 定能「翱翔穹蒼」。